Monday, July 2, 2018


  Do you have a reason in being out there or are you just killing time?

Last Time

 I talked about people having no drive and doing shoddy work in my post So now I'd like to cover The beginning of turning that corner and getting better at this game we call fishing.

 What Is Your Why

 When you close your eyes what do you see? Can you see yourself holding the giant check or netting THE FISH? Can you feel your heart pounding in your ears? Can you feel the adrenaline dump causing your hands to shake uncontrollably?
 Something so vivid so real that in your mind's eye you can't tell if it's real or tale.
 Having a dream of a tournament win that can net you thousands of dollars or Angler of the Year that can put a boat in your garage. A double digit bass or 50"+ esox that would be the fish of a lifetime for 90% of the angling community are all things worth getting excited about and dreaming about. Having those dreams and goals is what drives us as anglers.
 So what is it you're shooting for? Do you have a dream trip you'd like to see happen? A new species to remove from your bucket list. What is your why?

Your Bucket List

 I'll tell you I don't have a long list of fish on my personal list in fact I think it's truly modest. I want to catch all nine black bass species. The Esox family and a handful of saltwater fish with tarpon being at the top of that list. At the opposite end of the spectrum is a friend of mine that has almost four hundred separate species to his name and is shooting for five hundred. So whether you're just getting started and wanting to break the three pound mark on bass or a seasoned angler and wanting to go to Africa or South America you need to have something that gets you excited enough to get out the door.

Wheat From The Shaft

 I will tell you with 100% certainty that the people that win tournaments or consistently catch trophy fish have one thing in common. They know why they are out there doing what they do. Now they may not say I dream about or visualize winning a tournament or landing double digit number 50 but they do. They think about it and picture in their mind's eye holding that trophy or netting that fish. It's how it happens that's the first step, know what you want get clear about it. Then put in the work. It is that that separates the winners from the whiners.
So what is your why?

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